200206 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. The Dirac Equation in Classical Statistical Mechanics
G.N. Ord

The Dirac equation, usually obtained by `quantizing' a classical stochastic model is here obtained directly within classical statistical mechanics. The special underlying space-time geometry of the random walk replaces the missing analytic continuation, making the model `self-quantizing'. This provides a new context for the Dirac equation, distinct from its usual context in relativistic quantum mechanics.

2. Quantum random walks in one dimension
Norio Konno
Quantum Information Processing, Vol.1, Issue 5, pp.345-354 (2002)

This letter treats the quantum random walk on the line determined by a 2 times 2 unitary matrix U. A combinatorial expression for the mth moment of the quantum random walk is presented by using 4 matrices, P, Q, R and S given by U. The dependence of the mth moment on U and initial qubit state phi is clarified. A new type of limit theorems for the quantum walk is given. Furthermore necessary and sufficient conditions for symmetry of distribution for the quantum walk is presented. Our results show that the behavior of quantum random walk is striking different from that of the classical ramdom walk.

3. Book Review: ‘A New Kind of Science’
Scott Aaronson

This is a critical review of the book 'A New Kind of Science' by Stephen Wolfram. We do not attempt a chapter-by-chapter evaluation, but instead focus on two areas: computational complexity and fundamental physics. In complexity, we address some of the questions Wolfram raises using standard techniques in theoretical computer science. In physics, we examine Wolfram's proposal for a deterministic model underlying quantum mechanics, with 'long-range threads' to connect entangled particles. We show that this proposal cannot be made compatible with both special relativity and Bell inequality violation.

4. A New Type of Limit Theorems for the One-Dimensional Quantum Random Walk
Norio Konno
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol.57, No.4, pp.1179-1195 (2005)

In this paper we consider the one-dimensional quantum random walk X^{varphi} _n at time n starting from initial qubit state varphi determined by 2 times 2 unitary matrix U. We give a combinatorial expression for the characteristic function of X^{varphi}_n. The expression clarifies the dependence of it on components of unitary matrix U and initial qubit state varphi. As a consequence of the above results, we present a new type of limit theorems for the quantum random walk. In contrast with the de Moivre-Laplace limit theorem, our symmetric case implies that X^{varphi}_n /n converges in distribution to a limit Z^{varphi} as n to infty where Z^{varphi} has a density 1 / pi (1-x^2) sqrt{1-2x^2} for x in (- 1/sqrt{2}, 1/sqrt{2}). Moreover we discuss some known simulation results based on our limit theorems.