200308 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. A note on graphs resistant to quantum uniform mixing
William Adamczak, Kevin Andrew, Peter Hernberg, Christino Tamon

Continuous-time quantum walks on graphs is a generalization of continuous-time Markov chains on discrete structures. Moore and Russell proved that the continuous-time quantum walk on the $n$-cube is instantaneous exactly uniform mixing but has no average mixing property. On complete (circulant) graphs $K_{n}$, the continuous-time quantum walk is neither instantaneous (except for $n=2,3,4$) nor average uniform mixing (except for $n=2$). We explore two natural {\em group-theoretic} generalizations of the $n$-cube as a $G$-circulant and as a bunkbed $G \rtimes \Int_{2}$, where $G$ is a finite group. Analyses of these classes suggest that the $n$-cube might be special in having instantaneous uniform mixing and that non-uniform average mixing is pervasive, i.e., no memoryless property for the average limiting distribution; an implication of these graphs having zero spectral gap. But on the bunkbeds, we note a memoryless property with respect to the two partitions. We also analyze average mixing on complete paths, where the spectral gaps are nonzero.

2. Phase-space approach to the study of decoherence in quantum walks
C. C. Lopez, J. P. Paz
Phys. Rev. A 68, 052305 (2003)

We analyze the quantum walk on a cycle using discrete Wigner functions as a way to represent the states and the evolution of the walker. The method provides some insight on the nature of the interference effects that make quantum and classical walks different. We also study the behavior of the system when the quantum coin carried by the walker interacts with an environment. We show that for this system quantum coherence is robust for initially delocalized states of the walker. The use of phase-space representation enables us to develop an intuitive description of the nature of the decoherence process in this system.

3. Compensation of decoherence from telegraph noise by means of bang-bang control
H. Gutmann, F.K. Wilhelm, W.M. Kaminsky, S. Lloyd

With the growing efforts in isolating solid-state qubits from external decoherence sources, the origins of noise inherent to the material start to play a relevant role. One representative example are charged impurities in the device material or substrate, which typically produce telegraph noise and can hence be modelled as bistable fluctuators. In order to demonstrate the possibility of the active suppression of the disturbance from a {\em single} fluctuator, we theoretically implement an elementary bang-bang control protocol. We numerically simulate the random walk of the qubit state on the Bloch sphere with and without bang-bang compensation by means of the stochastic Schr\"odinger equation and compare it with an analytical saddle point solution of the corresponding Langevin equation in the long-time limit. We find that the deviation with respect to the noiseless case is significantly reduced when bang-bang pulses are applied, being scaled down approximately by the ratio of the bang-bang period and the typical flipping time of the bistable fluctuation. Our analysis gives not only the effect of bang-bang control on the variance of these deviations, but also their entire distribution. As a result, we expect that bang-bang control works as a high-pass filter on the spectrum of noise sources. This indicates how the influence of $1/f$-noise ubiquitous to the solid state world can be reduced.