200407 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Breakdown of an Electric-Field Driven System: a Mapping to a Quantum Walk
Takashi Oka, Norio Konno, Ryotaro Arita, Hideo Aoki
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 100602 (2005)

Quantum transport properties of electron systems driven by strong electric fields are studied by mapping the Landau-Zener transition dynamics to a quantum walk on a semi-infinite one-dimensional lattice with a reflecting boundary, where the sites correspond to energy levels and the boundary the ground state. Quantum interference induces a distribution localized around the ground state, and when the electric field is strengthened, a delocalization transition occurs describing breakdown of the original electron system.

2. Quasiperiodic dynamics of coherent diffusion: a quantum walk approach
A.Wojcik, T.Luczak, P.Kurzynski, A.Grudka, M.Bednarska

We study the dynamics of a generalization of quantum coin walk on the line which is a natural model for a diffusion modified by quantum or interference effects. In particular, our results provide surprisingly simple explanations to phenomena observed by Bouwmeester et al. (Phys. Rev. A, 61, 13410 (1999)) in their optical Galton board experiment, and a description of a stroboscopic quantum walks given by Buershaper and Burnett (quant-ph/0406039) through numerical simulations. We also provide heuristic explanations for the behavior of our model which show, in particular, that its dynamics can be viewed as a discrete version of Bloch oscillations.