200507 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. From Dirac to Diffusion: Decoherence in Quantum Lattice Gases
Peter J. Love, Bruce M. Boghosian

We describe a model for the interaction of the internal (spin) degree of freedom of a quantum lattice-gas particle with an environmental bath. We impose the constraints that the particle-bath interaction be fixed, while the state of the bath is random, and that the effect of the particle-bath interaction be parity invariant. The condition of parity invariance defines a subgroup of the unitary group of actions on the spin degree of freedom and the bath. We derive a general constraint on the Lie algebra of the unitary group which defines this subgroup, and hence guarantees parity invariance of the particle-bath interaction. We show that generalizing the quantum lattice gas in this way produces a model having both classical and quantum discrete random walks as different limits. We present preliminary simulation results illustrating the intermediate behavior in the presence of weak quantum noise.

2. Symmetrization, quantum images and measurement
Fariel Shafee
EJTP March 2007

We argue that symmetrization of an incoming microstate with similar states in a sea of microstates contained in a macroscopic detector can produce an effective image, which does not contradict the no-cloning theorem, and such a combinatorial set can then be used with first passage random walk interactions suggested in an earlier work to give the right quantum mechanical weight for measured eigenvalues.

3. Entanglement measurement with discrete multiple coin quantum walks
Jochen Endrejat, Helmut Buettner

Within a special multi-coin quantum walk scheme we analyze the effect of the entanglement of the initial coin state. For states with a special entanglement structure it is shown that this entanglement can be meausured with the mean value of the walk, which depends on the i-concurrence of the initial coin state. Further on the entanglement evolution is investigated and it is shown that the symmetry of the probability distribution is reflected by the symmetry of the entanglement distribution.

4. Quantum algorithm for a generalized hidden shift problem
Andrew M. Childs, Wim van Dam
Proc. 18th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007), pp. 1225-1234

Consider the following generalized hidden shift problem: given a function f on {0,...,M-1} x Z_N satisfying f(b,x)=f(b+1,x+s) for b=0,1,...,M-2, find the unknown shift s in Z_N. For M=N, this problem is an instance of the abelian hidden subgroup problem, which can be solved efficiently on a quantum computer, whereas for M=2, it is equivalent to the dihedral hidden subgroup problem, for which no efficient algorithm is known. For any fixed positive epsilon, we give an efficient (i.e., poly(log N)) quantum algorithm for this problem provided M > N^epsilon. The algorithm is based on the "pretty good measurement" and uses H. Lenstra's (classical) algorithm for integer programming as a subroutine.

5. Asymmetries in symmetric quantum walks on two-dimensional networks
Oliver Muelken, Antonio Volta, Alexander Blumen
Phys. Rev. A 72, 042334 (2005)

We study numerically the behavior of continuous-time quantum walks over networks which are topologically equivalent to square lattices. On short time scales, when placing the initial excitation at a corner of the network, we observe a fast, directed transport through the network to the opposite corner. This transport is not ballistic in nature, but rather produced by quantum mechanical interference. In the long time limit, certain walks show an asymmetric limiting probability distribution; this feature depends on the starting site and, remarkably, on the precise size of the network. The limiting probability distributions show patterns which are correlated with the initial condition. This might have consequences for the application of continuous time quantum walk algorithms.

6. One-Dimensional Three-State Quantum Walk
Norio Inui, Norio Konno, Etsuo Segawa

We study a generalized Hadamard walk in one dimension with three inner states. The particle governed by the three-state quantum walk moves, in superposition, both to the left and to the right according to the inner state. In addition to these two degrees of freedom, it is allowed to stay at the same position. We calculate rigorously the wavefunction of the particle starting from the origin for any initial qubit state, and show the spatial distribution of probability of finding the particle. In contrast with the Hadamard walk with two inner states on a line, the probability of finding the particle at the origin does not converge to zero even after infinite time steps except special initial states. This implies that the particle is trapped near the origin after long time with high probability.

7. Are Quantum States Exponentially Long Vectors?
Scott Aaronson

I'm grateful to Oded Goldreich for inviting me to the 2005 Oberwolfach Meeting on Complexity Theory. In this extended abstract, which is based on a talk that I gave there, I demonstrate that gratitude by explaining why Goldreich's views about quantum computing are wrong.

8. Quantum walk on the line: entanglement and non-local initial conditions
G. Abal, R. Siri, A. Romanelli, R. Donangelo
Physical Review A 73, 042302 (2006); Physical Review A 73 069905(E) (2006); Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, 6 issue 4 (2006)

The conditional shift in the evolution operator of a quantum walk generates entanglement between the coin and position degrees of freedom. This entanglement can be quantified by the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density operator (entropy of entanglement). In the long time limit, it converges to a well defined value which depends on the initial state. Exact expressions for the asymptotic (long-time) entanglement are obtained for (i) localized initial conditions and (ii) initial conditions in the position subspace spanned by the +1 and -1 position eigenstates.

9. Experimental Implementation of Discrete Time Quantum Random Walk on an NMR Quantum Information Processor
C.A. Ryan, M. Laforest, J.C. Boileau, R. Laflamme
Physical Review A 72, 062317 (2005)

We present an experimental implementation of the coined discrete time quantum walk on a square using a three qubit liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum information processor (QIP). Contrary to its classical counterpart, we observe complete interference after certain steps and a periodicity in the evolution. Complete state tomography has been performed for each of the eight steps making a full period. The results have extremely high fidelity with the expected states and show clearly the effects of quantum interference in the walk. We also show and discuss the importance of choosing a molecule with a natural Hamiltonian well suited to NMR QIP by implementing the same algorithm on a second molecule. Finally, we show experimentally that decoherence after each step makes the statistics of the quantum walk tend to that of the classical random walk.