200603 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Investigation of Continuous-Time Quantum Walk Via Modules of Bose-Mesner and Terwilliger Algebras
M. A. Jafarizadeh, S. Salimi

The continuous-time quantum walk on the underlying graphs of association schemes have been studied, via the algebraic combinatorics structures of association schemes, namely semi-simple modules of their Bose-Mesner and (reference state dependent) Terwilliger algebras. By choosing the (walk) starting site as a reference state, the Terwilliger algebra connected with this choice turns the graph into the metric space, hence stratifies the graph into a (d+1) disjoint union of strata, where the amplitudes of observing the continuous-time quantum walk on all sites belonging to a given stratum are the same. In graphs of association schemes with known spectrum, the transition amplitudes and average probabilities are given in terms of dual eigenvalues of association schemes. As most of association schemes arise from finite groups, hence the continuous-time walk on generic group association schemes have been studied in great details, where the transition amplitudes are given in terms of characters of groups. Further investigated examples are the walk on graphs of association schemes of symmetric $S_n$, Dihedral $D_{2m}$ and cyclic groups. Also, following Ref.\cite{js}, the spectral distributions connected to the highest irreducible representations of Terwilliger algebras of some rather important graphs, namely distance regular graphs, have been presented. Then using spectral distribution, the amplitudes of continuous-time quantum walk on graphs such as cycle graph $C_n$, Johnson and normal subgroup graphs have been evaluated. {\bf Keywords: Continuous-time quantum walk, Association scheme, Bose-Mesner algebra, Terwilliger algebra, Spectral distribution, Distance regular graph.} {\bf PACs Index: 03.65.Ud}

2. Implementing the one-dimensional quantum (Hadamard) walk using a Bose-Einstein Condensate
C.M. Chandrashekar
Phys. Rev. A . 74, 032307 (2006)

We propose a scheme to implement the simplest and best-studied version of quantum random walk, the discrete Hadamard walk, in one dimension using coherent macroscopic sample of ultracold atoms, Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Implementation of quantum walk using BEC gives access to the familiar quantum phenomena on a macroscopic scale. This paper uses rf pulse to implement Hadamard operation (rotation) and stimulated Raman transition technique as unitary shift operator. The scheme suggests implementation of Hadamard operation and unitary shift operator while the BEC is trapped in long Rayleigh range optical dipole trap. The Hadamard rotation and a unitary shift operator on BEC prepared in one of the internal state followed by a bit flip operation, implements one step of the Hadamard walk. To realize a sizable number of steps, the process is iterated without resorting to intermediate measurement. With current dipole trap technology it should be possible to implement enough steps to experimentally highlight the discrete quantum random walk using a BEC leading to further exploration of quantum random walks and its applications.