200612 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Approche intrins��que des fluctuations quantiques en m��canique stochastique (An intrinsic approach of the quantum fluctuations in stochastic mechanics)
Michel Fliess

This note is answering an old questioning about the F\'{e}nyes-Nelson stochastic mechanics. The Brownian nature of the quantum fluctuations, which are associated to this mechanics, is deduced from Feynman's interpretation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle via infinitesimal random walks stemming from nonstandard analysis. It is therefore no more necessary to combine those fluctuations with a background field, which has never been well understood. Most of the technical details are contained in an extended english abstract.

2. Decoherence vs entanglement in coined quantum walks
Olivier Maloyer, Viv Kendon
New J. Phys. 9 (2007) 87

Quantum versions of random walks on the line and cycle show a quadratic improvement in their spreading rate and mixing times respectively. The addition of decoherence to the quantum walk produces a more uniform distribution on the line, and even faster mixing on the cycle by removing the need for time-averaging to obtain a uniform distribution. We calculate numerically the entanglement between the coin and the position of the quantum walker and show that the optimal decoherence rates are such that all the entanglement is just removed by the time the final measurement is made.