200912 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Deterministic entanglement purification and complete nonlocal Bell-state analysis with hyperentanglement
Yu-Bo Sheng, Fu-Guo Deng
Physical Review A 81, 032307 (2010).

Entanglement purification is a very important element for long-distance quantum communication. Different from all the existing entanglement purification protocols (EPPs) in which two parties can only obtain some quantum systems in a mixed entangled state with a higher fidelity probabilistically by consuming quantum resources exponentially, here we present a deterministic EPP with hyperentanglement. Using this protocl, the two parties can, in principle, obtain deterministically maximally entangled pure states in polarization without destroying any less-entangled photon pair, which will improve the efficiency of long-distance quantum communication exponentially. Meanwhile, it will be shown that this EPP can be used to complete nonlocal Bell-state analysis perfectly. We also discuss this EPP in a practical transmission.

2. Quantum Hitting Time on the Complete Graph
R.A.M. Santos, R. Portugal

Quantum walks play an important role in the area of quantum algorithms. Many interesting problems can be reduced to searching marked states in a quantum Markov chain. In this context, the notion of quantum hitting time is very important, because it quantifies the running time of the algorithms. Markov chain-based algorithms are probabilistic, therefore the calculation of the success probability is also required in the analysis of the computational complexity. Using Szegedy's definition of quantum hitting time, which is a natural extension of the definition of the classical hitting time, we present analytical expressions for the hitting time and success probability of the quantum walk on the complete graph.

3. Decoherence in Search Algorithms
G. Abal, R. Donangelo, F.L. Marquezino, A.C. Oliveira, R. Portugal
Proceedings of the XXIX Brazilian Computer Society Congress (SEMISH), 2009, pages 293-306

Recently several quantum search algorithms based on quantum walks were proposed. Those algorithms differ from Grover's algorithm in many aspects. The goal is to find a marked vertex in a graph faster than classical algorithms. Since the implementation of those new algorithms in quantum computers or in other quantum devices is error-prone, it is important to analyze their robustness under decoherence. In this work we analyze the impact of decoherence on quantum search algorithms implemented on two-dimensional grids and on hypercubes.

4. Breaking and making quantum money: toward a new quantum cryptographic protocol
Andrew Lutomirski, Scott Aaronson, Edward Farhi, David Gosset, Avinatan Hassidim, Jonathan Kelner, Peter Shor
Innovations in Computer Science - ICS 2010, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, January 5-7, 2010. Proceedings, 20-31, 978-7-302-21752-7 Tsinghua University Press

Public-key quantum money is a cryptographic protocol in which a bank can create quantum states which anyone can verify but no one except possibly the bank can clone or forge. There are no secure public-key quantum money schemes in the literature; as we show in this paper, the only previously published scheme [1] is insecure. We introduce a category of quantum money protocols which we call collision-free. For these protocols, even the bank cannot prepare multiple identical-looking pieces of quantum money. We present a blueprint for how such a protocol might work as well as a concrete example which we believe may be insecure.

5. Quantum walks and elliptic integrals
Norio Konno
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Vol.20, pp.1091-1098 (2010)

Polya showed in his 1921 paper that the generating function of the return probability for a two-dimensional random walk can be written in terms of an elliptic integral. In this paper we present a similar expression for a one-dimensional quantum walk.

6. Continuous-time quantum walk on integer lattices and homogeneous trees
Vladislav Kargin
Journal of Statistical Physics, 2010, v. 140, 393-408

This paper is concerned with the continuous-time quantum walk on Z, Z^d, and infinite homogeneous trees. By using the generating function method, we compute the limit of the average probability distribution for the general isotropic walk on Z, and for nearest-neighbor walks on Z^d and infinite homogeneous trees. In addition, we compute the asymptotic approximation for the probability of the return to zero at time t in all these cases.