201005 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Quantumness in decoherent quantum walk using measurement-induced disturbance
R. Srikanth, Subhashish Banerjee, C. M. Chandrashekar
Phys. Rev. A, 81, 062123 (2010)

The classicalization of a decoherent discrete-time quantum walk on a line or an n-cycle can be demonstrated in various ways that do not necessarily provide a geometry-independent description. For example, the position probability distribution becomes increasingly Gaussian, with a concomitant fall in the standard deviation, in the former case, but not in the latter. As another example, each step of the quantum walk on a line may be subjected to an arbitrary phase gate, without affecting the position probability distribution, no matter whether the walk is noiseless or noisy. This symmetry, which is absent in the case of noiseless cyclic walk, but is restored in the presence of sufficient noise, serves as an indicator of classicalization, but only in the cyclic case. Here we show that the degree of quantum correlations between the coin and position degrees of freedom, quantified by a measure based on the disturbance induced by local measurements (Luo, Phys. Rev. A 77, 022301 (2008)), provides a suitable measure of classicalization across both type of walks. Applying this measure to compare the two walks, we find that cyclic quantum walks tend to classicalize faster than quantum walks on a line because of more efficient phase randomization due to the self-interference of the two counter-rotating waves. We model noise as acting on the coin, and given by the squeezed generalized amplitude damping (SGAD) channel, which generalizes the generalized amplitude damping channel.

2. Recurrences in three-state quantum walks on a plane
B. Koll��r, M. ?tefa����k, T. Kiss, I. Jex
Phys. Rev. A 82, 012303 (2010)

We analyze the role of dimensionality in the time evolution of discrete time quantum walks through the example of the three-state walk on a two-dimensional, triangular lattice. We show that the three-state Grover walk does not lead to trapping (localization) or recurrence to the origin, in sharp contrast to the Grover walk on the two dimensional square lattice. We determine the power law scaling of the probability at the origin with the method of stationary phase. We prove that only a special subclass of coin operators can lead to recurrence and there are no coins leading to localization. The propagation for the recurrent subclass of coins is quasi one-dimensional.

3. Quantum search algorithms on a regular lattice
Birgit Hein, Gregor Tanner

Quantum algorithms for searching one or more marked items on a d-dimensional lattice provide an extension of Grover's search algorithm including a spatial component. We demonstrate that these lattice search algorithms can be viewed in terms of the level dynamics near an avoided crossing of a one-parameter family of quantum random walks. We give approximations for both the level-splitting at the avoided crossing and the effectively two-dimensional subspace of the full Hilbert space spanning the level crossing. This makes it possible to give the leading order behaviour for the search time and the localisation probability in the limit of large lattice size including the leading order coefficients. For d=2 and d=3, these coefficients are calculated explicitly. Closed form expressions are given for higher dimensions.

4. Entanglement generation in spatially separated systems using quantum walk
C. M. Chandrashekar, Sandeep K. Goyal, Subhashish Banerjee
Journal of Quantum Information Sciences, Vol.2 No.2, pp. 15-22 (2012)

We present a novel scheme to generate entanglement between two spatially separated systems. The scheme makes use of spatial entanglement generated by a single-particle quantum walk which is used to entangle two spatially separated, not necessarily correlated, systems. This scheme can be used to entangle any two systems which can interact with the spatial modes entangled during the quantum walk evolution. A notable feature is that we can control the quantum walk dynamics and its ability to localize leads to a substantial control and improvement in the entanglement output.

5. The Ground State Energy of The Massless Spin-Boson Model
Abdelmalek Abdesselam
Annales Henri Poincare 12:1321-1347,2011

We provide an explicit combinatorial expansion for the ground state energy of the massless spin-Boson model as a power series in the coupling parameter. Our method uses the technique of cluster expansion in constructive quantum field theory and takes as a starting point the functional integral representation and its reduction to an Ising model on the real line with long range interactions. We prove the analyticity of our expansion and provide an explicit lower bound on the radius of convergence. We do not need multiscale nor renormalization group analysis. A connection to the loop-erased random walk is indicated.