201102 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Trapping of Continuous-Time Quantum walks on Erdos-Renyi graphs
Elena Agliari
Physica A (2011)

We consider the coherent exciton transport, modeled by continuous-time quantum walks, on Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}ny graphs in the presence of a random distribution of traps. The role of trap concentration and of the substrate dilution is deepened showing that, at long times and for intermediate degree of dilution, the survival probability typically decays exponentially with a (average) decay rate which depends non monotonically on the graph connectivity; when the degree of dilution is either very low or very high, stationary states, not affected by traps, get more likely giving rise to a survival probability decaying to a finite value. Both these features constitute a qualitative difference with respect to the behavior found for classical walks.

2. Entanglement dynamics and quasi-periodicity in discrete quantum walks
Peter P. Rohde, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Timothy C. Ralph
J. Mod. Opt. (2012)

We study the entanglement dynamics of discrete time quantum walks acting on bounded finite sized graphs. We demonstrate that, depending on system parameters, the dynamics may be monotonic, oscillatory but highly regular, or quasi-periodic. While the dynamics of the system are not chaotic since the system comprises linear evolution, the dynamics often exhibit some features similar to chaos such as high sensitivity to the system's parameters, irregularity and infinite periodicity. Our observations are of interest for entanglement generation, which is one primary use for the quantum walk formalism. Furthermore, we show that the systems we model can easily be mapped to optical beamsplitter networks, rendering experimental observation of quasi-periodic dynamics within reach.

3. Directional correlations in quantum walks with two particles
M. Stefanak, S. M. Barnett, B. Kollar, T. Kiss, I. Jex
New J. Phys. 13 033029 (2011)

Quantum walks on the line with a single particle possess a classical analog. Involving more walkers opens up the possibility to study collective quantum effects, such as many particle correlations. In this context, entangled initial states and indistinguishability of the particles play a role. We consider directional correlations between two particles performing a quantum walk on a line. For non-interacting particles we find analytic asymptotic expressions and give the limits of directional correlations. We show that introducing $\delta$-interaction between the particles, one can exceed the limits for non-interacting particles.

4. Sojourn times of the Hadamard walk in one dimension
Norio Konno
Quantum Information Processing, Vol.11, No.2, pp.465-480 (2012)

The Hadamard walk is a typical model of the discrete-time quantum walk. We investigate sojourn times of the Hadamard walk on a line by a path counting method.

5. Skyrmion Burst and Multiple Quantum Walk in Thin Ferromagnetic Films
Motohiko Ezawa
Phys. Lett. A 375, 3610 (2011)

A giant Skyrmion collapses to a singular point by emitting spin waves in a thin ferromagnetic film, when external magnetic field is increased beyond the critical one. The remnant is a single-spin flipped (SSF) point. The SSF point has a quantum diffusion dynamics governed by the Heisenberg model. We determine its time evolution and show the diffusion process is a continuous-time quantum walk. We also analyze an interference of two SSF points after two Skyrmion bursts. Quantum walks for $S=1/2$ and 1 are exact solvable. The system presents a new type of quantum walk for $S>1/2$, where a SSF point breaks into 2S quantum walkers. It is interesting that we can create quantum walkers experimentally at any points in a magnetic thin film, first by creating Skyrmions sequentially and then by letting them collapse simultaneously.