201208 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Quantum random walk : effect of quenching
Sanchari Goswami, Parongama Sen
Phys. Rev. A 86, 022314 (2012)

We study the effect of quenching on a discrete quantum random walk by removing a detector placed at a position $x_D$ abruptly at time $t_R$ from its path. The results show that this may lead to an enhancement of the occurrence probability at $x_D$ provided the time of removal $t_R < t_{R}^{lim}$ where $t_{R}^{lim}$ scales as $x_D{^2}$. The ratio of the occurrence probabilities for a quenched walker ($t_R \neq 0$) and free walker ($t_R =0$) shows that it scales as $1/t_R$ at large values of $t_R$ independent of $x_D$. On the other hand if $t_R$ is fixed this ratio varies as $x_{D}^{2}$ for small $x_D$. The results are compared to the classical case. We also calculate the correlations as functions of both time and position.

2. Local random quantum circuits are approximate polynomial-designs
Fernando G. S. L. Brandao, Aram W. Harrow, Michal Horodecki

We prove that local random quantum circuits acting on n qubits composed of polynomially many nearest neighbor two-qubit gates form an approximate unitary poly(n)-design. Previously it was unknown whether random quantum circuits were a t-design for any t > 3. The proof is based on an interplay of techniques from quantum many-body theory, representation theory, and the theory of Markov chains. In particular we employ a result of Nachtergaele for lower bounding the spectral gap of quantum local Hamiltonians; a quasi-orthogonality property of permutation matrices; a result of Oliveira which extends to the unitary group the path-coupling method for bounding the mixing time of random walks; and a result of Bourgain and Gamburd showing that dense subgroups of the special unitary group, composed of elements with algebraic entries, are infinity-copy tensor-product expanders. We also consider pseudo-randomness properties of local random quantum circuits of small depth and prove they constitute a quantum poly(n)-copy tensor-product expander. The proof also rests on techniques from quantum many-body theory, in particular on the detectability lemma of Aharonov et al. We give three applications of the results. First we show that almost every circuit U of size n^k on n qubits cannot be distinguished from a Haar uniform unitary by circuits of size n^[(k+3)/6] that are given oracle access to U; this provides a data-hiding scheme against computationally bounded adversaries. Second we reconsider a recent argument of Masanes et al concerning local equilibration of time-evolving quantum systems, and strengthen the connection between fast equilibration of small subsystems and the circuit complexity of the Hamiltonian. Third we show that in one dimension almost every parallel local circuit of linear depth generates topological order, matching an upper bound to the problem due to Bravyi et al.

3. Realization of the probability laws in the quantum central limit theorems by a quantum walk
Takuya Machida

Since a limit distribution of a discrete-time quantum walk on the line was derived in 2002, a lot of limit theorems for quantum walks with a localized initial state have been reported. On the other hand, in quantum probability theory, there are four notions of independence (free, monotone, commuting, and boolean independence) and quantum central limit theorems associated to each independence have been investigated. The relation between quantum walks and quantum probability theory is still unknown. As random walks are fundamental models in the Kolmogorov probability theory, can the quantum walks play an important role in quantum probability theory? To discuss this problem, we focus on a discrete-time 2-state quantum walk with a non-localized initial state and present a limit theorem. By using our limit theorem, we generate probability laws in the quantum central limit theorems from the quantum walk.

4. Optimal quantum query bounds for almost all Boolean functions
Andris Ambainis, Arturs Backurs, Juris Smotrovs, Ronald de Wolf

We show that almost all n-bit Boolean functions have bounded-error quantum query complexity at least n/2, up to lower-order terms. This improves over an earlier n/4 lower bound of Ambainis, and shows that van Dam's oracle interrogation is essentially optimal for almost all functions. Our proof uses the fact that the acceptance probability of a T-query algorithm can be written as the sum of squares of degree-T polynomials.

5. Quantum walk as a generalized measuring device
Pawel Kurzynski, Antoni Wojcik
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 200404 (2013)

We show that a one-dimensional discrete time quantum walk can be used to implement a generalized measurement in terms of positive operator value measure (POVM) on a single qubit. More precisely, we show that for a single qubit any set of rank 1 and rank 2 POVM elements can be generated by a properly engineered quantum walk. In such a scenario the measurement of particle at position x=i corresponds to a measurement of a POVM element E_i on a qubit. We explicitly construct quantum walks implementing unambiguous state discrimination and SIC-POVM.

6. Massless Dirac particle in a stochastic magnetic field: A solvable quantum walk approximation
A. J. Bracken, D. Ellinas, I. Smyrnakis

A massless Dirac particle is considered, moving along the x-axis while Pauli-coupled by its anomalous magnetic moment to a piecewise constant magnetic field along the same axis, with stochastically varying sign. The motion is approximated as a quantum walk with unitary noise, for which the evolution can be found exactly. Initially ballistic, the motion approaches a classical diffusion on a time-scale determined by the speed of light, the size of the magnetic moment, the strength of the field and the time interval between changes in its direction. It is suggested that a process of this type could occur in the Sun's corona, significantly affecting the solar fluxes of one or more neutrino types.

7. Quantum Transport Enhancement by Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking
Zoltan Zimboras, Mauro Faccin, Zoltan Kadar, James Whitfield, Ben Lanyon, Jacob Biamonte
Scientific Reports 3, 2361 (2013)

Quantum mechanics still provides new unexpected effects when considering the transport of energy and information. Models of continuous time quantum walks, which implicitly use time-reversal symmetric Hamiltonians, have been intensely used to investigate the effectiveness of transport. Here we show how breaking time-reversal symmetry of the unitary dynamics in this model can enable directional control, enhancement, and suppression of quantum transport. Examples ranging from exciton transport to complex networks are presented. This opens new prospects for more efficient methods to transport energy and information.

8. Symmetries, Topological Phases and Bound States in the One-Dimensional Quantum Walk
J. K. Asboth
Phys. Rev. B 86, 195414 (2012)

Discrete-time quantum walks have been shown to simulate all known topological phases in one and two dimensions. Being periodically driven quantum systems, their topological description, however, is more complex than that of closed Hamiltonian systems. We map out the topological phases of the particle-hole symmetric one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walk. We find that there is no chiral symmetry in this system: its topology arises from the particle-hole symmetry alone. We calculate the Z2 \times Z2 topological invariant in a simple way that is consistent with a general definition for 1-dimensional periodically driven quantum systems. These results allow for a transparent interpretation of the edge states on a finite lattice via the the bulk-boundary correspondance. We find that the bulk Floquet operator does not contain all the information needed for the topological invariant. As an illustration to this statement, we show that in the split-step quantum walk, the edges between two bulks with the same Floquet operator can host topologically protected edge states.

9. Weak convergence of complex-valued measure for bi-product path space induced by quantum walk
Norio Konno, Etsuo Segawa
Yokohama Mathematical Journal 59 (2013) pp.1–13

In this paper, a complex-valued measure of bi-product path space induced by quantum walk is presented. In particular, we consider three types of conditional return paths in a power set of the bi-product path space (1) $\Lambda \times \Lambda $, (2) $\Lambda \times \Lambda'$ and (3) $\Lambda'\times \Lambda'$, where $\Lambda$ is the set of all $2n$-length ($n\in \mathbb{N}$) return paths and $\Lambda'(\subseteq \Lambda)$ is the set of all $2n$-length return paths going through $nx$ ($x\in [-1,1]$) at time $n$. We obtain asymptotic behaviors of the complex-valued measures for the situations (1)-(3) which imply two kinds of weak convergence theorems (Theorems 1 and 2). One of them suggests a weak limit of weak values.