201301 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Discrete time quantum walk with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond coupled to a superconducting flux qubit
Ali ?. C. Hardal, Peng Xue, Yutaka Shikano, ?zg��r E. M��stecapl\ioglu, Barry C. Sanders
Physical Review A 88, 022303 (2013) [11 pages]

We propose a quantum-electrodynamics scheme for implementing the discrete-time, coined quantum walk with the walker corresponding to the phase degree of freedom for a quasi-magnon field realized in an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond. The coin is realized as a superconducting flux qubit. Our scheme improves on an existing proposal for implementing quantum walks in cavity quantum electrodynamics by removing the cumbersome requirement of varying drive-pulse durations according to mean quasiparticle number. Our improvement is relevant to all indirect-coin-flip cavity quantum-electrodynamics realizations of quantum walks. Our numerical analysis shows that this scheme can realize a discrete quantum walk under realistic conditions.

2. Quantum walks with memory on cycles
Michael Mc Gettrick, Jaros?aw Adam Miszczak
Physica A, Vol. 399, pp. 163-170 (2014)

We study the model of quantum walks on cycles enriched by the addition of 1-step memory. We provide a formula for the probability distribution and the time-averaged limiting probability distribution of the introduced quantum walk. Using the obtained results, we discuss the properties of the introduced model and the difference in comparison to the memoryless model.

3. Uniform Mixing and Association Schemes
Chris Godsil, Natalie Mullin, Aidan Roy

We consider continuous-time quantum walks on distance-regular graphs of small diameter. Using results about the existence of complex Hadamard matrices in association schemes, we determine which of these graphs have quantum walks that admit uniform mixing. First we apply a result due to Chan to show that the only strongly regular graphs that admit instantaneous uniform mixing are the Paley graph of order nine and certain graphs corresponding to regular symmetric Hadamard matrices with constant diagonal. Next we prove that if uniform mixing occurs on a bipartite graph X with n vertices, then n is divisible by four. We also prove that if X is bipartite and regular, then n is the sum of two integer squares. Our work on bipartite graphs implies that uniform mixing does not occur on C_{2m} for m >= 3. Using a result of Haagerup, we show that uniform mixing does not occur on C_p for any prime p such that p >= 5. In contrast to this result, we see that epsilon-uniform mixing occurs on C_p for all primes p.