201307 Filtered arXiv Papers

1. Measurement-induced generation of spatial entanglement in a two-dimensional quantum walk with single-qubit coin
C. Di Franco, M. Mc Gettrick, T. Machida, Th. Busch
J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 1613 (2013)

One of the proposals for the exploitation of two-dimensional quantum walks has been the efficient generation of entanglement. Unfortunately, the technological effort required for the experimental realization of standard two-dimensional quantum walks is significantly demanding. In this respect, an alternative scheme with less challenging conditions has been recently studied, particularly in terms of spatial-entanglement generation [C. Di Franco, M. Mc Gettrick, and Th. Busch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 080502 (2011)]. Here, we extend the investigation to a scenario where a measurement is performed on the coin degree of freedom after the evolution, allowing a further comparison with the standard two-dimensional Grover walk.

2. Localization and Recurrence of Quantum Walk in Periodic Potential on a Line
C.-I. Chou, C.-L. Ho
Chin. Phys. B 23 (2014) 110302

We present numerical study of a model of quantum walk in periodic potential on the line. We take the simple view that different potentials affect differently the way the coin state of the walker is changed. For simplicity and definiteness, we assume the walker's coin state is unaffected at sites without potential, and is rotated in an unbiased way according to Hadamard matrix at sites with potential. This is the simplest and most natural model of a quantum walk in a periodic potential with two coins. Six generic cases of such quantum walks were studied numerically. It is found that of the six cases, four cases display significant localization effect, where the walker is confined in the neighborhood of the origin for sufficiently long times. Associated with such localization effect is the recurrence of the probability of the walker returning to the neighborhood of the origin.

3. From Discrete Time Quantum Walk to Continuous Time Quantum Walk in Limit Distribution
Yutaka Shikano
J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 1558-1570 (2013)

The discrete time quantum walk defined as a quantum-mechanical analogue of the discrete time random walk have recently been attracted from various and interdisciplinary fields. In this review, the weak limit theorem, that is, the asymptotic behavior, of the one-dimensional discrete time quantum walk is analytically shown. From the limit distribution of the discrete time quantum walk, the discrete time quantum walk can be taken as the quantum dynamical simulator of some physical systems.

4. The Dirac equation as a quantum walk: higher dimensions, observational convergence
Pablo Arrighi, Marcelo Forets, Vincent Nesme
2014 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 465302

The Dirac equation can be modelled as a quantum walk, with the quantum walk being: discrete in time and space (i.e. a unitary evolution of the wave-function of a particle on a lattice); homogeneous (i.e. translation-invariant and time-independent), and causal (i.e. information propagates at a bounded speed, in a strict sense). This quantum walk model was proposed independently by Succi and Benzi, Bialynicki-Birula and Meyer: we rederive it in a simple way in all dimensions and for hyperbolic symmetric systems in general. We then prove that for any time t, the model converges to the continuous solution of the Dirac equation at time t, i.e. the probability of observing a discrepancy between the model and the solution is an O({\epsilon}^2), with {\epsilon} the discretization step. At the practical level, this result is of interest for the quantum simulation of relativistic particles. At the theoretical level, it reinforces the status of this quantum walk model as a simple, discrete toy model of relativistic particles. Keywords: Friedrichs symmetric hyperbolic systems, Quantum Walk, Quantum Lattice Gas Automata, Quantum Computation, Trotter-Kato, Baker-Campbell-Thomson, Operator splitting, Lax theorem

5. Propagation in quantum walks and relativistic diffusions
Fabrice Debbasch, Giuseppe Di Molfetta, David Espaze, Vincent Foulonneau
2012 Phys. Scr. 2012 014044

Propagation in quantum walks is revisited by showing that very general 1D discrete-time quantum walks with time- and space-dependent coefficients can be described, at the continuous limit, by Dirac fermions coupled to electromagnetic fields. Short-time propagation is also established for relativistic diffusions by presenting new numerical simulations of the Relativistic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. A geometrical generalization of Fick's law is also obtained for this process. The results suggest that relativistic diffusions may be realistic models of decohering or random quantum walks. Links with general relativity and geometrical flows are also mentioned.

6. Hierarchy and dynamics of trace distance correlations
Benjamin Aaronson, Rosario Lo Franco, Giuseppe Compagno, Gerardo Adesso
New J Phys 15, 093022 (2013)

We define and analyze measures of correlations for bipartite states based on trace distance. For Bell diagonal states of two qubits, in addition to the known expression for quantum correlations using this metric, we provide analytic expressions for the classical and total correlations. The ensuing hierarchy of correlations based on trace distance is compared to the ones based on relative entropy and Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Although some common features can be found, the trace distance measure is shown to differentiate from the others in that the closest uncorrelated state to a given bipartite quantum state is not given by the product of the marginals, and further, the total correlations are strictly smaller than the sum of the quantum and classical correlations. We compare the various correlation measures in two dynamical non-Markovian models, locally applied phase-flip channels and random external fields. It is shown that the freezing behavior, observed across all known valid measures of quantum correlations for Bell diagonal states under local phase-flip channels, occurs for a larger set of starting states for the trace distance than for the other metrics.

7. Localized quantum walks as secured quantum memory
C. M. Chandrashekar, Th. Busch
European Physics Letters 110, 10005 (2015)

We show that a quantum walk process can be used to construct and secure quantum memory. More precisely, we show that a localized quantum walk with temporal disorder can be engineered to store the information of a single, unknown qubit on a compact position space and faithfully recover it on demand. Since the localization occurss with a finite spread in position space, the stored information of the qubit will be naturally secured from the simple eavesdropper. Our protocol can be adopted to any quantum system for which experimental control over quantum walk dynamics can be achieved.

8. Self-avoiding quantum walks: realisations in subspaces and limit theorems
Takuya Machida, C. M. Chandrashekar, Norio Konno, Thomas Busch

While completely self-avoiding quantum walks have the distinct property of leading to a trivial unidirectional transport of a quantum state, an interesting and non-trivial dynamics can be constructed by restricting the self-avoidance to a subspace of the complete Hilbert space. Here, we present a comprehensive study of three two-dimensional quantum walks, which are self-avoiding in coin space, in position space and in both, coin and position space. We discuss the properties of these walks and show that all result in delocalisation of the probability distribution for initial states which are strongly localised for a walk with a standard Grover coin operation. We also present analytical results for the evolution in the form of limit distributions for the self-avoiding walks in coin space and in both, coin and position space.

9. Exciton propagation via quantum walks based on non-Hermitian coin flip operations
A. Thilagam
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 52, 2141-2160 (2014)

We examine the coherent propagation of the one-dimensional Frenkel exciton (correlated electron-hole pair system) based on a model of a quantum walker in multi-dimensional Hilbert space. The walk is governed by a non-Hermitian coin flip operation coupled to a generalized shift process. The dissipative coin flip operation is associated with amplitude leakages at occupied sites, typical of processes which occur when an exciton is transferred along dimer sites in photosynthetic protein complexes. We analyze the characteristics probability distribution of the one-dimensional quantum walk for various system parameters, and examine the complex interplay between non-Markovian signatures and amplitude leakages within the Hilbert position subspace. The visibility of topological defects such as exceptional points, and non-Markovian signatures via quantum tomography based spectroscopic measurements are discussed.